Spring has sprung in Boston and it is the perfect time to begin gardening. If your outside space isn't exactly spacious, or is limited to a windowsill, you can still participate.
Whole Foods has laid out the top tips for growing fruits, vegetables and herbs in a container garden. Perfect for Boston's urban residents!
The following tips come from Meredith Sheperd, founder of urban agriculture firm Love & Carrots. A container garden involves growing plants in individual pots, rather than in the ground.
1. Sun is crucial: The amount of sunlight limits what plants are actually possible for your space. "You might think that the more sun you can get, the better, but that's not always true: harsh, broiling afternoon light can burn your plants and evaporate water too quickly for your soil to really absorb it," says Meredith.
2. Size matters: The price of pots varies greatly, but the material you choose won't really matter. All materials tend to work the same and Meredith recommends a cheap bucket. The size is actually the most important factor when choosing a container. The bigger the pot the better! Each individual plant should start with around a 5-gallon container, which may seem large but will allow the plant to grow to the best of its ability.
3. Setup: There are simple hacks to make sure your container will be the best for your plants. Get a bucket without drainage holes, and drill some holes yourself around the sides of the container. Pour in gravel just above the holes and lay down a layer of weed-block fabric before adding in the soil.
4. Focus on produce per square foot: Finding crops that work well in containers isn't hard, but you'll want to focus on what crops will give you the most produce per square foot. Plants such as, summer squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs all produce more than one crop per seed and can be picked multiple times a season.
Check out the full list of tips and advice here.
Looking for a new home perfect for a container garden or with a bit more green space? Contact us today leasing@advisorsliving.com.