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Smart Home Technology to Transform Your Home Today

Smart home technology

Our smartphone and technology-filled lives are finally translating into the home, as smart home features begin to grow in popularity.

According to a report by Houzz, nearly half of people that are renovating their homes are adding new technology in the process. Around 45% are putting in at least one new system or device that they are able to control from their phone or computer. 

Those who are currently completing upgrades or renovations are most likely to add the technologies because they have already set aside a budget for investing on improving their home. 

While these technologies come with the benefits of convenience and adding value, it doesn't mean people are spending huge amounts of money on them. Most people in the report spent around $1,500 or less in total on the technologies, while only 5% spent $5,000 or more.

The other half of residents who aren't spending money on the technologies either aren't interested, think they're too expensive or are worried about security issues with smart devices. 

The top smart tech purchases include, safety and security systems such as fire and gas systems or high-tech cameras. Other popular products include smart entertainment systems like smart TV's, speakers and streaming devices. 

Climate control falls third on the popularity list, giving people the ability to fine-tune their heating or cooling methods to overall save on their energy bills. 

Many new developments now come with smart home features built into the unit. What smart home technology would you want to find in your new home? 

Contact us today for more information about new developments and finding your new home today!

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