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Newbury Street

#OpenNewbury Confirmed For One Day This August

Newbury Street

It has been confirmed that Newbury Street in Back Bay will be closed to traffic and open to pedestrians for one day this summer. 

On Sunday August 7th people will be able to enjoy the seven blocks of Newbury Street without worrying about traffic from 10am to 6pm. 

Called the Open Newbury Street project, the city hopes to create a temporary pedestrian-only avenue for residents and visitors to enjoy one of Boston's most iconic [...]

Boston Streets Could Be Closed to Traffic and Open to Pedestrians

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A Twitter conversation with Mayor Martin J. Walsh this week hinted at the possibility of closing some of Boston's streets to traffic for select days throughout the summer. 

During the chat one Twitter user asked about the possibility of closing select streets to traffic and opening them up to pedestrians. 

Back Bay Chanel No. 6 Redevelopment Underway

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We suppose the developer of the garage at 4-6 Newbury Street in Back Bay completely thought out his new idea. Because what kind of experience will Chanel shoppers truly are able to have when they hear a horn honking above their heads because someone reversed out of turn? Well the now garage is being converted, and rightfully so.  The garage [...]